無限螺旋の家 Spiral Dancing house-中庭スキップフロア住宅…アニメーション


  • 日本語
  • English
時間 注目シーン 説明


  1. <データ>
  2. ZuneHD(1280x720、720pディスプレイ用、HDTV)高画質アニメーション。
  3. レンダリングエンジンはLoxorogyを使用。
  4. 3DモデルCADは、BentleyArchitecture/Microstation
  5. microstationアニメーションツールを使用
Time Scene Description
Spiral Dancing House - Exterior 1 " Around the perimeter" by Loxorogy

We see the house model with the skip floor and the courtyard actually from here. First, we see the exterior. Camera goes around the periphery and reaches the front entrance. Surrounding buildings will be semi-transparent way, you can see the whole picture of the house exterior with this type of skip floor and courtyard.

  1. <Data>
  2. .Image quality : ZuneHD(1280x720.HDTV)
  3. .Rendering engine : Loxorogy
  4. .3D model CAD : Bentley Architecture/Microstation
  5. Used by Microstation amimation tool


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