無限螺旋の家 Spiral Dancing house-中庭スキップフロア住宅…アニメーション


  • 日本語
  • English
時間 注目シーン 説明


このシーンのコマ数は700コマ。「Intel Core2Quad Q9650」のCPUx1を搭載したPCを使って作成しています。

  1. <データ>
  2. .ZuneHD(1280x720、720pディスプレイ用、HDTV)高画質アニメーション。
  3. .レンダリングエンジンはLoxorogyを使用。
  4. .3DモデルCADは、BentleyArchitecture/Microstation
Time Scene Description
Spiral Dancing House - Interior 1 " The living room from the entrance" by Loxorogy

In this scene, we get into a building. First, we come into the hall. While around the corridors around the courtyard, we see a bed room, a bathroom and a utility room. This scene ends at the entrance to the living room.

(For the animation creation time)
Number of frames of this scene is 700 frames.
I have created this scene using a PC equipped with a CPUx1 of "Intel Core2Quad Q9650".
Picture of the courtyard took 3 hours of rendering time per frame because there are a lot of reflective material and the wall of glass
Throughout this scene we have calculated takes about a month to operate the PC a row day and night in a row .

  1. Data
  2. .Image quality : ZuneHD(1280x720.HDTV)
  3. .Rendering engine : Loxorogy
  4. .3D model CAD : BentleyArchitecture/Microstation


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